
100 years of sharing

A success story for almost 100 years


Birth of Cremo

On May 21, the butter plant was transformed into a limited company, Cremo SA, with the aim of producing and marketing all dairy products.


Range development


Cremo is tasked with collecting creams and butters produced in the canton of Fribourg and making them available to consumers in exchange for ration coupons.


Expansion of the product range. Cremo produces and markets Vacherin fribourgeois AOP and introduces new products such as fruit yogurts, custards, dessert creams, Petits Suisses, Tommes vaudoises, Reblochons, raclette cheese, coffee cream in tubes and Rosalp butter.


Cremo expands


Commissioning of the new factory in Villars-sur-Glâne on April 4, 1966. One year later, expansion, automation and optimization of Vacherin fribourgeois production.


Relocation to the current administrative building in Villars-sur-Glâne and takeover of Laiterie Centrale de Fribourg.


Resumption of operations at the Vevey, Neuchâtel and Lausanne butter plants.

1985 - 2020

On the move


Takeover of "Chocolat et Cafés Villars SA", specializing in chocolate and coffee roasting. The company is sold ten years later.


Exchange of production activities with Laiteries Réunies de Genève (LRG) and Interlait SA of Berne. Cremo transfers its production of soft cheeses to LRG and, in return, LRG transfers its production of butter and cream in carton packs to Cremo. Interlait takes over Cremo's production of UHT milk and cream, and transfers production of portioned butter and coffee cream.


On October 20, inauguration of the new butter factory. Research & Development (R&D) and brand licensing agreement signed with Ingredia SA in Arras (F), co-shareholder of Lacto Prospérité SA.


Signing of a cooperation agreement with Toni SA, which joined Interlait in 1997. Resumption of coffee creamer production in Gossau, a few years after the takeover of Dietikon.


Takeover of the Les Moulins cheese dairy and launch of organic PDO Gruyère production. In 2008, the functions of the cheese dairy are transferred to the "Société Coopérative de la fromagerie et laiterie des Moulins".


Takeover of Lacto Prospérité SA. Takeover of Swiss Dairy Food. The Mont-sur-Lausanne (UHT milk), Lucens (cheese and milk powder) and Thun (cheese and milk powder) production sites are integrated into Cremo SA.


Takeover of von Mühlenen AG with cheese maturing in Guin.


Takeover of Vallait and Valcrème through an exchange of shares between Cremo SA and the Fédération Laitière Valaisanne (FLV). FLV becomes Cremo's third shareholder.


Business transformation


Paul-Albert Nobs leaves Cremo after 37 years with the company, 26 of which as CEO.


Frédéric Métrailler, manager of the Sierre production site since 2014, takes over as CEO.


Acquisition of the Lattesso brand, number 2 in the Swiss cold coffee market.


Appointment of Ralph Perroud, former Managing Director of Fromage Gruyère SA, as CEO of Cremo. Launch of the CAP2027 transformation program.